Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Catholic Church versus Obamacare

I came across an interesting issue while reading the blog "Fair and Unbalanced."  Obamacare supposes to cause the Catholic Church to fund insurance policies that would provide birth control and abortifacient chemicals free of charge to the insured employees of Catholic supported organizations.  Of course, the Catholic Church refuses to do this as it contradicts very basic Catholic beliefs and teachings.  The Catholic Cardinals and Bishops have already stated emphatically that they cannot and will not violate their conscience and tacitly or otherwise support birth control and abortifacients. 

It has recently occurred to me that the government never intended to force Catholics to pay for birth control and abortion-inducing drugs.  The democrats who crafted the Obamacare legislation knew full well that the Catholic Church would not accept this.  The government’s intent was to cause the Catholic Church to drop their employee insurance coverage, and to cause the Church to pay the fines instead, and drive their very large numbers of employees into the government plan. 

The goal of Obamacare was never to assure that people have health insurance.  The goal has always been to move Americans toward a single-payer system with health care coverage/payments being provided ultimately by the government. 

Since the Catholic Church might not have the same financial issues that small businesses have with Obamacare, the government needed additional levers to force this issue with Catholic organizations.  If the scenario plays out as described above, the democrats would succeed in forcing many thousands of people into the government controlled system. 

The constitutionality of Obamacare’s tactics was challenged in the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).  But the Supreme Court has ruled that Obamacare is constitutional because the government is authorized under the constitution to levy taxes, and the “fines” imposed under Obamacare are “taxes.”  Following this line of reasoning, it becomes apparent that by imposing “fines” for refusing to violate their religious beliefs, Catholic institutions will be forced to pay Taxes.  This will violate a tradition established at the birth of our nation, and will clearly violate the separation of church and state.

Therefore, any attempt to enforce Obamacare against the Catholic Church will be Unconstitutional.